
Monday 13 August 2012

All for a Child

Men have done it
Leave the wife and kid
At times kids

A man must make his way
They say
That's a man's lot

But would you, could you
When Dad has never been around
To show you the world?

Would you let a child grow
Alone with wind and rain?
To always wonder the reason why?

It's painful when there's no love
Much worse when there's no conversation
It's all about food, housework and laundry

How can a man survive on such trivial?
How can a man prosper on such menial
Thoughts, actions and pretentions?

A man will die I tell you
Lest he will himself
To exist for that one child

A life he has led
A certain life he must now live
But not for himself but an offspring

An offspring that's fortunately
Sweet, good-natured and forgiving
A child of his childhood

But yet a child with blindspots
Her blindspots
A love of books yet not

But a daddy she did snag
A child she did get
Out of lies, reticence and selfishness

But now he knows better
A chance will come
When father and daughter

Will leave for lands afar
No longer having to bear with
Ignorance, stupidy and selfishness

Some women are a pain in the ass
And not worth marrying
Women who have not earned the right

Women who have not captured the heart
Nor intellectual curiosity
But loins one long night ago

For that, any man will leave
To  some place afar
To start anew, to breathe anew

To find himself once more

- by TC Lai

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