
Tuesday 12 February 2013

Oh Why

Do you love me? I ask
You dare not answer

Do you love me? I ask again
You look away as if in pain

DO YOU LOVE ME! I then demand
My voice level but with edge

Do you love me?! I repeat
Again wondering if at all

Do you love me? I then plead
Hoping against hope

Do you NOT love me? I sob
Filling myself with self-pity

You do love me, right? I say
Wondering if there was something wrong with me

You did love me, right? I ask
Wondering if there was love at all

You know I love you, right? I say
Trying to rescue a lost cause

We can start again, I suggest
Realising how desperate that sounds

So this is it, I say
As I prepare for the worst

So this is it, I say
As you squirm in your seat

So this is it, I say
As you try to avoid my eyes

Is this it?
Is this it?
Is this it?
I ask
But an answer I don't really want

I'm sorry, is what you say
I'm sorry, is all you say
I'm sorry, is that all?

You walk away
No, you scoot away
No, you run away

Why is it with guys
They can't tell you how they feel?
Or is it with us girls
Who simply cannot let go?

Why did it happen today? I ask
When it is a time for lovers to celebrate

Why did it happen today? I ask
When a single rose could mean so much

Why did it happen today? I ask
When I had bought him a $300 tie

Why did it happen today? I ask
When he could have continued to lie

Why did it happen today, I ask
When someone else could have made that lie

Why did it happen today, I ask
Oh why did I let it happen today???

When everything could have been
Oh, so very nice?

Why, oh why, oh why oh, why?!
Had I gotta ask???

- by TC Lai

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